ISO 9001 - Quality management system

ISO 9001 - Quality management system

Currently, the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001 It is the most common tool for management of the organization, allowing companies of any size, type of activity and ownership to implement effective control mechanisms aimed at reducing unintended costs, increase productivity, increase production capacity by optimizing internal business processes, optimize the allocation of functions duties and of employees.

Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001 is developed and implemented at the company in order to optimize all production processes and improve the quality control of the products or the services.

Expected benefits accruing to the company in the implementation of ISO 9001

  • Improved management company at the expense of rational distribution of powers and responsibilities based on the optimization of business processes;
  • Improved economic performance of companies (increase profitability, cost reduction, etc.);
  • Encouraging employees motivated in the approach to work, co-operation in achieving a common goal (the definition of responsibilities and limits of authority of personnel on the basis of functional responsibilities);
  • Improved internal and external communication, improving the management of documents and records;
  • Increasing the prestige and confidence to the company;
  • Strengthening the role of customer feedback;
  • Obtain optimal benefits from the business (assessment and prioritization of results on the basis of statistical indicators);
  • Support mechanisms for marketing and implementation of strategic objectives.